2007-2008 News Archive

Math Awareness Month Public Lecture

Michael Jones of Montclair State University will give a public lecture about Scoring Rules in Politics and Sports on Wednesday, April 9th to celebrate Math Awareness Month. The talk will be held at 4:30 PM in 228 Malott Hall (Bache Auditorium). Please join us.

Awards Presented at Department Holiday Party

Department faculty, graduate students, and staff gathered once again to celebrate the coming holiday season and the end of the fall semester. Winners of the department teaching awards were announced:

  • Allen Hatcher won the senior faculty teaching award for his dedication to teaching and inspiring students, his unrivaled enthusiasm for math and his dynamic lectures, for developing an incredibly creative and innovative new course, and for writing every algebraic topologist's bible.
  • Alvaro Lozano-Robledo and Etienne Rassart share the junior faculty teaching award. Alvaro for his wonderful teaching style, which is praised by so many of his students, and Etienne for the clarity of his lectures and dedication to his students.
  • Mia Minnes received the graduate student teaching award in recognition of her lucid and engaging teaching, and her contributions as a teaching mentor and role model.

The following graduate student awards were also presented:

posted December 3, 2007

Messenger Lecture Series

Michel Balinski is scheduled to give a series of Messenger Lectures on September 25–27 on Representing, Electing, and Ranking.
posted September 25, 2007

Welcome New Faculty and Graduate Students

Members of the department, spouses, children, and significant others are invited to the annual Department of Mathematics Fall Reception on Wednesday, August 29, 2007 at 4:00 PM in the 5th floor lounge of Malott Hall. New faculty and graduate students will be introduced. Light refreshments will be served by Cornell Catering.
posted August 14, 2007

Last modified:June 10, 2011