2008-2009 News Archive

Awards Presented at Department Holiday Party

Department faculty, graduate students, and staff gathered once again to celebrate the coming holiday season and the end of the fall semester. Winners of the department teaching awards were announced:

  • Kenneth Brown and John Hubbard share the senior faculty teaching award. Ken was selected for his steady commitment to excellence in teaching, and John for his innovation and creativity in the teaching of differential equations at Cornell and nationally.
  • Geoffrey Recktenwald and Alexander Vladimirsky share the junior faculty teaching award. Geoff was recognized for his enthusiasm and his ability to engage and inspire his students, while Alex was applauded for his clarity and passion and his innovations in the undergraduate curriculum.
  • Fatima Mahmood and Artem Pulemotov share the graduate student teaching award. Fatima was acknowledged for her clear and lucid explanations, and Artem for his ability to use practical, physical examples to foster conceptual and theoretical understanding.

The following graduate student awards were also presented:

Watch this space for Holiday Party Photos!

Links: Holiday Party Trivia answers
posted December 8, 2008

Last modified:August 14, 2012