The Mathematics Major Honors Program

The Department of Mathematics awards honors (cum laude) and high honors (magna cum laude and summa cum laude) to graduating mathematics majors who have demonstrated outstanding ability in the major program.

The awards are determined by the Mathematics Major Committee in the latter part of the semester prior to graduation. The committee will primarily be looking for excellent performance in mathematics courses, particularly in challenging courses at the 400 level or beyond. Participation in the Honors Seminar (MATH 401) for one semester, or independent study at a high performance level can also contribute to honors. Students interested in honors should consult their major advisors concerning suitable courses.

Outstanding performance in graduate classes or an excellent senior thesis can also contribute to high honors. Students interested in high honors should consult their major advisors and the chair of the department's Mathematics Major Committee during the second semester of their junior year.

Last modified: August 5, 2003