Teaching Fellowship Programs

KSTF Fellowships (funded by the Knowles Foundation)

The KSTF Teaching Fellowship program was explicitly designed to meet the needs of beginning high school science and mathematics teachers as they earn a teaching credential and through the early years of their career.  During the initial academic year of the fellowship, fellows typically participate in a recognized teacher credentialing program.  After receiving a teaching credential and beginning a career in teaching, fellows continue to receive training and support.  KSTF Fellows are spread throughout the country and are currently located in 25 different states.

Math for America

Math for America is for people interested in teaching mathematics in New York City, San Diego, Los Angeles, or Washington, DC.  Candidates for the program must make a five-year commitment, be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., and hold a bachelor's degree with substantial coursework in mathematics (a minimum of 21 credits in math courses at the calculus level or higher).  People accepted into the program earn a master's degree in secondary math education in a one-year program.  Ongoing professional development continues through the critical first years of teaching.

New York City Teaching Fellows

Participants in the New York City Teaching Fellows program go through a short, but intensive, pre-service training, part of which includes a hands-on teaching experience in a NYC classroom.  Upon successful completion of training, participants are eligible to be hired almost immediately in one of the more than 1,400 public schools in New York City.  One of the key elements of the program is enrollment in a subsidized Master’s degree program.  While teaching, participants work toward a Master’s degree in education, specializing in the subject s/he teaches, at a university that has partnered with the program.  The Master's program takes two to three years to complete.

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Last modified:October 27, 2009