Useful Information for Graduate Students

Cornell Graduate School

On the Cornell Graduate School web site you will find all Graduate School forms, the Code of Legislation of the Graduate Faculty, information regarding student services and financial aid, and much more.

Graduate Student Life

The Cornell Engineering Graduate Student Association has put together a wonderful handbook — The EGSA Handbook — that discusses not only academic issues of graduate life, but also important things like how to find housing in Ithaca, where to eat, social and recreational activities, support groups, and personal safety. Take advantage of the efforts of those industrious engineers and surf through the handbook.

Graduate Student Assistantships

Cornell's Graduate Student Assistantships policy may be dry reading, but all graduate students should at least peruse it in order to understand their legal obligations and protections. In particular, if you fail to uphold your responsibilities, the university can legally force you to repay your stipend.

TA Training

A few days before classes start each fall, the Mathematics Department offers an extensive 3-day training program for new TAs. Led by Director of Teaching Assistant Programs Kelly Delp and senior TAs, the training program introduces graduate students to the art of education. During the training sessions, new TAs learn effective teaching techniques, review case studies of common problems, and practice lecturing before a supportive audience.

Please contact Kelly Delp for details.

Recommended Reading for TAs

A Handbook for Mathematics Teaching Assistants by Tom Rishel and the MAA

Department Guidelines for Teaching Assistants

Academic Policies

The University Faculty website is an important source for academic policies.

  • Student Free Time. No review sessions or other academic activities should be scheduled between 4:25 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. (This time period is reserved for extracurricular activities.)
  • Religious Holidays. Provide flexible options for students who have religious conflicts with test schedules or homework deadlines.
  • Academic Integrity. Include an explicit statement about what constitutes academic integrity in your course handouts (i.e., be very explicit about whether or not students may collaborate on homework).

Students with Disabilities

Federal legislation requires colleges and universities to make reasonable accommodations for students with physical, mental, or learning disabilites. Student Disability Services oversees university policy with respect to students with disabilities. Students who seek an accommodation — for example, extra time on an exam — must have a letter from Student Disability Services. We do not make accommodations otherwise.