Henon Map Parameter Space with SaddleDrop
The following images were all created using SaddleDrop.
Below: the c-plane for fixed a=0.15. Colored by fastest escaping critical point (connecteds).
[-1.8125 <= Re(c) <= 0.7, -1 <= Im(c) <=0.9251]
Below is a zoom of the c-plane for fixed a=.3,
near the analog of the rabbit bulb.
The coloration is by fastest escaping critical point (connecteds).
[-0.63 <= Re(c) <= -0.166, 0.466 <= Im(c) <= 0.7466]
Below: a zoom of the c-plane for fixed a=.3, near the analog of the 1/5-bulb. Colored by fastest escaping critical point (connecteds).
[0.04155 <= Re(c) <= 0.275, 0.4225 <= Im(c) <=0.275]
Below is something very strange looking. This is not a blowup,
but a picture of nearly all of the black region for an a-plane
[-.8 <= Re(a), Im(a) <= .8], with constant c=.3+.4i.
Here black rougly corresponds to maps whose Julia
sets are not cantor sets. (coloration by slowest
escaping critical point, horseshoes).
See also: