Examples of Polynomial Matings by the Medusa Algorithm
Descriptions of several matings
Download postscript pictures of matings: (about 466K each)
1/255 Mate 1/255 The 8-eared rabbit mated
with itself.
1/7 Mate 10/63, i.e. "Rabbit" Mate "Rabbit
containing Basillicas", where "Rabbit" is the Julia set in the large
Northern bulb of the Mandelbrot set.
1/5 Mate 1/5, where 1/5 is in
cardiod of largest baby Mandelbrot set off of the rabbit bulb.
1/6 Mate 5/14. This picture is a 15
iteration approximation to the mating, which is actually space-filling.
These two julia sets are dendrites.
1/4 Mate 1/6. Another dendrite mating.
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