2018-2019 Math Club Board Members


The math club board is a friendly group. Need some advice about something? Not sure whom to ask? Try a board member. If they don't know the answer, they may know someone who will, and they will certainly try to help you with your problems! For questions about giving talks, contact Linus Setiabrata (ls823). For questions about the mailing list, contact Kabir Kapoor (ksk86). Contact Kabir, Jessie, Linus, or Ely for any other questions about events or the website.


Kabir Kapoor (ksk86)


Jessie Tan (jt699)

Puzzle Session Leader

Linus Setiabrata (ls823)

Event Coordinator

Ely Sandine (ebs95)




Past board members of the Math Club, from left to right: Anna Brosowky, Zoe Wellner, Vivian Kuperberg, Jake Snyder

Math club officers