Math 6710: Probability Theory I

Fall 2010

Lecture Schedule

Subject to change.
Lecture Date Topics Discussed See
1 Wed, Aug 25. Administrative details. Definition of measure space, measurable functions, etc, and corresponding probability terms: probability space, random variable. Durrett 1.1 and 1.3, or any measure theory textbook.
2 Fri, Aug 27. Random vectors, operations on random variables (arithmetic, applying measurable functions, inf/sup/limits, almost sure convergence). Distribution of a random variable (a probability measure on R); examples of common discrete and continuous distributions. Joint distribution of several random variables. Durrett 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
3 Mon, Aug 30. Distribution functions for random variables. Definition of the Lebesgue integral on an abstract measure space, basic properties, convergence theorems. Hölder's inequality. Durrett 1.4, 1.5, 1.6.
4 Wed, Sep 1. Lp norms and convergence. L1 convergence does not imply almost sure convergence nor vice versa. Convex functions and Jensen's inequality. Chebyshev's inequality. Durrett 1.5, 1.6
5 Fri, Sep 3. Expectation in terms of distribution. Some philosophy about σ-fields and measurability, interpreted in terms of "information." The σ-field generated by a collection of sets. Durrett 1.6.3; S. Resnick, A Probability Path (on reserve at Mathematics Library) has more details on σ-fields and measurability in Chapters 1 and 3.
- Mon, Sep 6. Labor Day, no class.
6 Wed, Sep 8. Dynkin's π-λ theorem. Application: a distribution μ is uniquely determined by its distribution function F. The σ-field generated by one or more random variables. Durrett A.1.4; Durrett 1.3; Resnick Chapter 3.
7 Fri, Sep 10. Independence: for events, σ-fields, random variables. Why pairwise independence is not strong enough. Deterministic events are independent of everything. Product measures and the Tonelli/Fubini theorems. Durrett 2.1, 1.7
8 Mon, Sep 13. Fire alarm. Independent random variables correspond to product measures; expectations of products of independent random variables factor. Durrett 2.1.2
9 Wed, Sep 15. Independent π-systems generate independent σ-fields. Disjoint subsets of a set of independent random variables generate independent σ-fields. Kolmogorov's extension theorem, and the special case that sequences of independent random variables with any given distributions exist. Durrett 2.1.1, 2.1.4. Kolmogorov extension theorem is A.3.1.
10 Fri, Sep 17. Construction of a sequence of independent random variables with any given distributions. Start with a uniform distribution; extract its bits to get an iid sequence of coin flips; regroup to get a sequence of iid sequences, all independent; reassemble to get an iid sequence of uniforms; transform to get desired distributions. Inspired by Durrett exercise 2.1.18.
11 Mon, Sep 20. Borel-Cantelli lemmas, Borel 0-1 Law, statement of Kolmogorov 0-1 Law. Durrett 2.3, 2.5.
12 Wed, Sep 22. Proof of Kolmogorov 0-1 law. Definition and some basic notions about convergence in probability. Durrett 2.5, 2.2, 2.3.
13 Fri, Sep 24. Some more facts about convergence in probability. The sub-subsequence trick. An L2 weak law using Chebyshev and an L4 strong law of large numbers. Durrett 2.2, 2.3.
14 Mon, Sep 27. Some motivation for the difference between weak and strong laws of large numbers. Overview of various versions of LLN. Applications: Glivenko-Cantelli theorem, normal numbers. Glivenko-Cantelli: Durrett Theorem 2.4.7. Normal numbers: see section 7 of J.A. Goldstein, "Some applications of the law of large numbers," Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat. 6 (1975), no. 1, 25-38.
15 Wed, Sep 29. Intro to stochastic processes. Definition of filtration, adapted and predictable process. Gambling systems as an example. The original martingale, where you double your bet when you lose. Conditional expectation: proof of uniqueness and linearity (existence to come). Definitions: Durrett pages 232, 234. Conditional expectation: Durrett 5.1.
16 Fri, Oct 1. Further properties of conditional expectation. Skipped the proof of existence. Durrett 5.1.2. For some notes on the existence of conditional expectation, see here.
17 Mon, Oct 4. Guest lecture (Jon Peterson)
18 Wed, Oct 6. Guest lecture (Jon Peterson)
19 Fri, Oct 8. Guest lecture (Jon Peterson)
- Mon, Oct 11. Fall break, no class.
20 Wed, Oct 13. Upcrossing inequality, martingale convergence theorem. Durrett Theorems 5.2.7, 5.2.8, 5.2.9.
21 Fri, Oct 15. Martingales with bounded increments converge or oscillate widely. Smartingales that converge a.s. need not converge in L1. Branching process: subcritical extinction. Durrett Theorem 5.3.1, Example 5.2.3, Exercise 5.2.4, Lemma 5.3.6, Theorem 5.3.7.
22 Mon, Oct 18. Branching process: critical extinction. Definition of uniform integrability, statement of Vitali convergence theorem. A single integrable random variable is ui, as is a family dominated by another ui family. Alternate criteria for uniform integrability (uniform absolute continuity + L1 boundedness). Branching process: Durrett Theorem 5.3.8. One proof of supercritical nonextinction is Theorem 5.3.9; we will give a different proof next class or so. Uniform integrability: section 5.5. Vitali convergence theorem: Theorem 5.5.2. Alternate criteria: see Resnick, A Probability Path, Theorem 6.5.1 (on reserve at Mathematics Library), or section 12.7 of Bruce Driver's notes.
23 Wed, Oct 20. A criterion for uniform integrability (Durrett Exercise 5.5.1). Proof of Vitali convergence theorem. Consequences for uniformly integrable smartingales. Vitali convergence theorem: Theorem 5.5.2. Smartingales: Theorem 5.5.3.
24 Fri, Oct 22. Branching process: supercritical survival. Conditioning gives uniform integrability. A uniformly integrable martingale has a "last element". Branching process: like Durrett Example 5.4.3, except we used Exercise 5.5.1 and Theorem 5.5.3 (giving convergence in L1) instead of Theorem 5.4.5 (convergence in L2). Conditioning: Theorem 5.5.1. Ui martingales: Lemma 5.5.5, Theorem 5.5.6, Theorem 5.5.7.
25 Mon, Oct 25. Backward martingales. Beginning of backward martingale proof of strong law of large numbers. Durrett Theorems 5.6.1, 5.6.2, Example 5.6.1.
26 Wed, Oct 27. End of backward martingale proof of SLLN. Baby optional stopping theorems. Durrett Example 5.6.1, Theorems 5.4.1, 5.7.1.
27 Fri, Oct 29. Optional stopping theorems. Application to asymmetric simple random walk. Durrett Theorems 5.7.1 thru 5.7.4 (first part), 5.7.7.
28 Mon, Nov 1. More computations for asymmetric simple random walk. Additional criteria for optional stopping. Durrett Theorems 5.7.7, 5.7.5.
29 Wed, Nov 3. A trivial optional stopping inequality for positive supermartingales. Stopped σ-fields; submartingale property preserved at stopping times under ui assumption. Durrett Theorem 5.7.6, Exercises 4.1.5-4.1.7 (stopped σ-fields), Theorem 5.7.4 (second half).
30 Fri, Nov 5. Doob decomposition theorem. Quadratic variation <X> of an L2 martingale X. Computation of Doob decompositions for discrete stochastic integrals. Relationship between finiteness of <X> and convergence of Xn. Doob decomposition: Durrett Theorem 5.2.10. L2 martingales: See D. Williams, Probability with Martingales, 12.12-12.14.
31 Mon, Nov 8. Proof of theorem that Xn converges a.s. on {<X> < ∞}. A SLLN for L2 martingales. Preview of central limit theorem. D. Williams, Probability with Martingales, 12.12-12.14.
32 Wed, Nov 10. Definition of weak convergence. Reason for the "continuity point" condition in the definition. Examples and counterexamples. Convergence i.p. implies weak convergence, and weak convergence to a constant implies convergence i.p. Durrett section 3.2.1, exercise 3.2.12.
33 Fri, Nov 12. Skorohod representation theorem (Durrett Theorem 3.2.2). Weak convergence is equivalent to convergence of expectations of bounded continuous functions, composition with continuous functions preserves weak convergence. Durrett Theorems 3.2.2-3.2.4.
34 Mon, Nov 15. Equivalent definitions of weak convergence ("Portmanteau theorem", Durrett Theorem 3.2.5). Vague convergence, tightness. A vaguely converging sequence that is tight converges weakly. Durrett Theorems 3.2.5, 3.2.7
35 Wed, Nov 17. Helly selection theorem: Every sequence of distributions has a vaguely converging subsequence. Prohorov theorem: Tight sets of distributions are weakly compact (have weakly converging subsequences). Characteristic functions and basic properties. Durrett Theorem 3.2.6, Theorem 3.3.1.
36 Fri, Nov 19. Differentiation under expectation. Moments of a random variable correspond to derivatives of its chf. Computation of some chfs: Bernoulli, uniform, normal. Preliminary steps for uniqueness theorem (a distribution is uniquely determined by its chf): you can check weak convergence using only compactly supported functions, and Parseval's identity. Durrett Theorem A.5.2 (similar), Exercise 3.3.14, Examples 3.3.1, 3.3.4, 3.3.3. Durrett's version of uniqueness theorem is Theorem 3.3.4; my proof is from Resnick, A Probability Path, Theorem 9.5.1.
37 Mon, Nov 22. Proof of the uniqueness theorem. Fourier inversion; integrable chfs correspond to continuous densities. Start of the proof of the continuity theorem. Uniqueness: Resnick, A Probability Path, Theorem 9.5.1. Durrett's version is Theorems 3.3.4, 3.3.5. Continuity: my proof comes from Pathak, P. K. Alternative proofs of some theorems on characteristic functions. Sankhya Ser. A 28 1966 309-314. Durrett's version is Theorem 3.3.6.
38 Wed, Nov 24. Finish proof of continuity theorem. Prove classical central limit theorem (for sums of iid random variables with finite variance). Durrett Theorem 3.4.1. Note that the approximation from Theorem 3.3.8 is just a simple consequence of Taylor's theorem.
- Fri, Nov 26. Thanksgiving break, no class.
39 Mon, Nov 29. Two derivatives on a chf implies finite second on the corresponding distribution, but one derivative does not imply first moment. CLT applications: normal approximation to binomial, Weldon's dice experiment and simple hypothesis testing. Durrett Theorem 3.3.9, Example 3.4.3.
40 Wed, Dec 1. Some complements: finite second moment is necessary for weak convergence with n1/2 scaling. The CLT cannot be strengthened to give convergence in probability. Statement and proof sketch for the Lindeberg-Feller CLT. Durrett Exercises 3.4.2, 3.4.3, Theorem 3.4.5.
41 Fri, Dec 3. The CLT in several dimensions. Covariance matrices, multivariate normal, weak convergence and chfs in several dimensions. Durrett Section 3.9.

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