Math 7520 — Berstein Seminar — Spring 2011
Subgroups of non–positively curved groups
Sources by topic
  1. Background — Bridson universe of finitely presented groups — Bridson's 2006 ICM article

  2. Rips' Construction

  3. Subgroups of Fn × Fn

  4. Finiteness properties and subgroups of Fn × ··· × Fn

  5. Bestvina–Brady Groups — subgroups of right–angled Artin groups

  6. Distortion of finitely presented (or, better, finite–rank free) subgroups in CAT(0) or hyperbolic groups

  7. Dehn functions of subgroups of CAT(0) groups

  8. Subdirect products of surface groups or limit groups or hyperbolic groups

  9. The Tits alternative for hyperbolic groups and for CAT(0) groups

  10. Finitely presented subgroups of hyperbolic groups
  11. Cannon–Thurston Maps

  12. Question (Gromov). Does every 1-ended word-hyperbolic group contain a hyperbolic surface group?

Textbooks / General References
  1. N.Brady, Riley, Short, The Geometry of the Word Problem for Finitely Generated Groups
  2. Bridson and Haefliger, Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature
  3. Brown, Cohomology of Groups
  4. Bux, Groups and Spaces, Volume I: Groups, Volume II: Spaces
  5. Davis, The Geometry and Topology of Coxeter Group
  6. Epstein et al., Word Processing in Groups
  7. Geoghegan, Topological Methods in Group Theory Theory
  8. Gromov, Asymptotic Invariants of Infinite Discrete Groups
  9. de la Harpe, Topics in Geometric Group Theory
  10. Lyndon and Schupp, Combinatorial Group Theory
  11. Meier, Groups, Graphs and Trees: An Introduction to the Geometry of Infinite Groups

Lists of open questions
  1. Problems in Geometric Group Theory Wiki
  2. Baumslag, Myasnikov and Shpilrain, Open Problems in combinatorial and geometric group theory
  3. Open Problem Garden

Tim Riley