List of Talks given in 2009-10
Wednesday, August 26 |
Noam Greenberg, Victoria University of Wellington Critical triples in the c.e. degrees |
Tuesday, September 8 |
Speaker TBA or Richard Shore, Cornell University Fundamentals of Pi-0-1 classes (Ch. III) |
Wednesday, September 9 |
Bakhadyr Khoussainov, University of Auckland and Cornell University Automatic structures: proving non-automaticity |
Tuesday, September 15 |
Mingzhong Cai, Cornell University Basis theorems and special classes |
Wednesday, September 16 |
John Sheridan and Ben Zax, Cornell University and Caltech Automatic structures in the presence of oracles |
Tuesday, September 22 |
Mingzhong Cai, Cornell University Special Pi-0-1 classes |
Wednesday, September 23 |
David Belanger, Cornell University Structures of some strong reducibilities |
Tuesday, September 29 |
Paul Shafer, Cornell University Weak Konig’s lemma, reverse mathematics, and Pi-0-1 classes |
Wednesday, September 30 |
Chris Conidis, Fields Institute and University of Waterloo The strength of the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem |
Tuesday, October 6 |
Paul Shafer, Cornell University Weak Konig’s lemma, reverse mathematics, and Pi-0-1 classes II |
Wednesday, October 7 |
Thomas Kern, Cornell University Equivalents of failures of the axiom of choice |
Wednesday, October 14 |
Diana Ojeda, Cornell University A basis for the uncountable linear orders |
Tuesday, October 20 |
Aniruddh Gandhi, University of Auckland and Cornell University Orderings and Pi-0-1 classes |
Wednesday, October 21 |
James Worthington, Cornell University Monoidal categories, bialgebras, and automata |
Tuesday, October 27 |
Alexander N. Gavryushkin, Irkutsk State University Spectra of decidable models of Ehrenfeucht theories |
Wednesday, October 28 |
Alexandra Gavryushkina, Novosibirsk State University On automated linear and partial orders |
Tuesday, November 3 |
Howard Blair, Syracuse University Applications of measure on trees: quantum logic and quantum cellular automata |
Wednesday, November 4 |
Paul Shafer, Cornell University Medvedev degrees of Pi-0-1 classes I |
Tuesday, November 10 |
Paul Shafer, Cornell University Medvedev degrees of Pi-0-1 classes II |
Wednesday, November 11 |
Johanna Franklin, Fields Institute and University of Waterloo n-r.e. randomness |
Tuesday, November 17 |
Vivienne Morley, Cornell University The Cantor-Bendixson derivative, rank and Pi-0-1 classes |
Wednesday, November 18 |
Adam Bjorndahl, Cornell University Topological semantics for modal S4 |
Tuesday, December 1 |
Mingzhong Cai, Cornell University Pi-0-1 classes, randomness, and Muchnick degrees I |
Wednesday, December 2 |
Mingzhong Cai, Cornell University Pi-0-1 classes, randomness, and Muchnick degrees II |
Thursday, January 28 |
Justin Moore, Cornell University Introduction to the Laver tables |
Tuesday, February 2 |
Justin Moore, Cornell University Laver tables II |
Wednesday, February 3 |
Justin Moore, Cornell University $0^\sharp$ and Jensen’s covering lemma |
Tuesday, February 9 |
Justin Moore, Cornell University Laver tables and the Laver-Steel theorem |
Thursday, February 11 |
James Worthington, Cornell University Natural associativity and commutativity |
Tuesday, February 16 |
Paul Shafer, Cornell University The first order theory of the closed Medvedev degrees is second order arithmetic I |
Thursday, February 18 |
Paul Shafer, Cornell University The first order theory of the closed Medvedev degrees is second order arithmetic II |
Tuesday, February 23 |
Justin Moore, Cornell University Club guessing on cardinals above omega_1 |
Thursday, February 25 |
Justin Moore, Cornell University The set mapping reflection principle |
Tuesday, March 2 |
Diana Ojeda, Cornell University The construction of scales at singular cardinals, part I |
Thursday, March 4 |
Diana Ojeda, Cornell University The construction of scales at singular cardinals, part II |
Tuesday, March 9 |
Paul Shafer, Mingzhong Cai, James Worthington, Cornell University Practice talks for ASL meeting |
Tuesday, March 16 |
Stevo Todorcevic, University of Toronto Some problems in Banach space geometry with a set-theoretic flavor |
Thursday, March 18 |
Diana Ojeda, Cornell University The construction of scales at singular cardinals, part III |
Tuesday, March 30 |
David Belanger, Cornell University Silver’s theorem, part I |
Thursday, April 1 |
David Belanger, Cornell University Silver’s theorem, part II |
Tuesday, April 6 |
Mingzhong Cai, Cornell University Fast growing functions associated to the Laver tables, part I |
Thursday, April 8 |
Mingzhong Cai, Cornell University Fast growing functions associated to the Laver tables, part II |
Tuesday, April 13 |
Paul Shafer, Cornell University Forcing no big chains in the power set of the reals, part I |
Thursday, April 15 |
Paul Shafer, Cornell University Forcing no big chains in the power set of the reals, part II |
Tuesday, April 20 |
Menachem Magidor, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Forcing axioms and squares |
Tuesday, April 27 |
Thomas Kern, Cornell University Classification of countably categorical linear orderings (part I) |
Thursday, April 29 |
Thomas Kern, Cornell University Classification of countably categorical linear orderings (part II) |
Tuesday, May 4 |
Yash Lodha, Cornell University The p-ideal dichotomy and the singular cardinals hypothesis, part I |
Thursday, May 6 |
Yash Lodha, Cornell University The p-ideal dichotomy and the singular cardinals hypothesis, part II |
Last modified:June 14, 2010