Now that we’ve
seen how useful induction can be, I’d like to use it to establish a
clear falsehood:
All horses are the same color.
The first hurdle to jump is figuring out how to make this an inductive
argument. But that’s not too hard; I will translate the original claim
into the following equivalent form: for every natural number n, every
group consisting of n horses is monochromatic (i.e. they are all the
same color).
Now we can get our induction off the ground. The case n = 1 is obvious:
every group consisting of 1 horse is monochromatic. Next comes the
induction hypothesis: we are allowed to assume the result is true for
n, and our job is to prove it true for n + 1. So consider a group of n
+ 1 horses. How can we show that they are all the same color? Well, our
inductive hypothesis tells us that every group of n horses is
monochromatic. So all we have to do is remove one horse, call him Paul,
from our group of n + 1 horses and consider the remaining group; call
it G
1. There are n horses left in G
1, so by the inductive hypothesis
they are all the same color. Now we have the problem that Paul is
perhaps a different color than the rest. But this problem too can be
overcome: simply remove a
horse from the original group. This leaves behind a new group of n
horses which includes Paul; call it G
2. Again we apply our inductive
hypothesis, this time to deduce that G
2 is monochromatic. But if Paul
is the same color as all the horses in G
2, then Paul must be the same
color as a horse in G
1, since every horse in G
2 except Paul is also
in G
1. This then shows that Paul is the same color as
every horse in G
(since G
1 is monochromatic), and so the original group of n + 1 horses
is monochromatic. This completes the induction and thereby proves that
all horses are the same color.
This is an excellent “proof ” to show to people who have just learned
about induction for the first time. Even veterans of the technique can
sometimes be perturbed by this argument if they haven’t seen it before
in some form or another (it is quite common). What went wrong? In my
experience, there are several ‘stages of doubt’ that one goes through
in response to this seeming paradox, although the order may vary from
person to person.
There is denial, something like, “Well, obviously the reformulation of
the original claim isn’t equivalent, so induction can’t be applied.”
But it is equivalent. Since there are (presumably) only finitely many
horses in existence, one can simply take n to be the total number of
horses to regain the first claim out of the second one. Alternatively,
one can show that the second claim implies the first by contrapositive:
if the first claim is false, so that not all horses are the same color,
then we should be able to find two horses of different colors; this
gives a non-monochromatic group (with n = 2), contradicting the second
claim. (Here we don’t even rely on there being only finitely many
Then there is a loss of faith in induction “Wait—you can’t assume the
result is true for n! That’s circular!” But this assumption, the
inductive hypothesis, is not the culprit. We have already discussed the
logic underlying this assumption, and we have seen that induction is
anything but circular.
Sometimes there is a stage of ridiculous doubt and wildly irrelevant
claims: “Horses can’t be grouped! And what’s this about color? Horses
have lots of colors, not just one!”
And perhaps, in the minds of those few whose adherence to the
strictures of mathematics is unbreakable, there are even some fleeting
moments of acceptance: “Maybe all horses
are the same color.
I mean, have you ever really
But in the end the fact remains that induction is not broken, yet
horses do differ in color. Before reading on to the solution printed
below, I suggest you let the problem torment you for a while.
A hint to what went wrong in the proof can be gleaned from solving the
following simpler puzzle, which relies on the same misleading language
to confuse the reader:
“How many pets do I have if all of them are dogs except two, all of
them are cats except two, and all are parrots except two?”
This teaser comes from [2], where many others can be found and many
hours can be spent on a joyful see-saw ride between befuddlement and
The answer to this puzzle is that I have exactly three pets: one dog,
one cat, and one parrot. The misleading use of the word ‘all’ to refer
to only one thing is the source of the trouble here, as it is in the
horse paradox. Let us return to the group G
2 and examine my assertion
that “every horse in G
2 except
Paul is also in G
1”. True enough, but quite vacuous in the case where
n = 1 and the group G
2 consists of Paul alone. But this was the crucial
claim that allowed me to conclude that Paul is the same color as the
other horses in the original group of n + 1. When n = 1, the original
group is a group of 2, and the logic fails entirely, since G
1 and G
have no horses in common.
This is the hole in the argument. It is not a problem with induction,
but the inductive form of the argument does allow it to be easily
concealed. The inductive step goes through for all values of n
except 1. Every
step in the reasoning—from 2 to 3, from 3 to 4, from 4 to 5—they all
make sense, all except the very first step, from 1 to 2. And indeed, if
we lived in a world where every group of two horses was monochromatic,
then we
be living in a world where all horses are the same color. It would be a
strange world, to be sure, but one thing is certain: mathematical
induction would work just as well there as it does in our world.