A 1NT opening promises 15-17 HCP and a balanced hand. After your partner opens 1NT, you should classify your hand as follows:
Here is a description of each:
Minimum Hand.
You and your partner definitely don't have game. You should probably either pass the 1NT or transfer to a major-suit partscore
(2 or
Invitational Hand.
You and your partner may have game if he has 16 or 17 HCP. You should search for a major-suit fit and eventually invite game by bidding 2NT, 3, or 3
Game-Forcing Hand.
You and your partner definitely have enough points for game. You should search for a major-suit fit and eventually bid either 3NT,
4, or
You have the following four options after a 1NT opening:
Jacoby Transfers. You may transfer into any 5-card major suit:
You do not need any strength to make a transfer, simply a 5-card suit.
Pass. With a minimum hand and no 5-card major, you should probably pass the 1NT.
You can use Stayman to search for a 4-4 major suit fit. After a 1NT opening, a bid of
asks opener whether he has any 4-card majors. He must make one of the following three
You need at least invitational strength (8+ points) to bid Stayman (since you may have to escape to 2NT if things go badly).
Raise the Notrump. You should only raise the notrump if you have no interest in the major suits:
After a bid of 2NT, opener should pass with 15-16 HCP, and bid 3NT with 16-17 HCP.