Exam schedule and instructions
Exam rules can be found under Info. This page will be updated as necessary.
First prelim
- Time
- Tuesday October 2, 7:30 pm–9:00 pm.
- Location
- Exam rooms are assigned by discussion section. Rooms may be filled to capacity, so please look up your discussion section number and make sure to go to the right room!
- Discussion sections 201–211: Kennedy Hall 116
Discussion sections 212–214: Malott Hall 228
Discussion sections 215–216: Malott Hall 251
Discussion sections 217–218: Malott Hall 253
Discussion sections 219–222: Warren Hall B25 - Material
- Chapter 13 sections 1–7, chapter 14 sections 1–3, chapter 15 sections 1–5; all homework problems assigned for these sections; all workshops through Sep 21.
- Practice problems
- Set 1 (solutions), set 2 (solutions), set 3 (solutions), Fall 2017 prelim 1 (solutions).
- Solutions
- Prelim 1 solutions.
- Statistics
- Prelim 1 quartiles (very approximate letter grade equivalents in parentheses): Q1 65 (C+/B-); Q2 75 (B); Q3 83 (B+/A-).
- Following college regulations, students who scored 50 or less will be reported to their colleges.
Second prelim
- Time
- Tuesday November 6, 7:30 pm–9:00 pm.
- Location
- Exam rooms are assigned by discussion section. Note the changes from prelim 1. Rooms may be filled to capacity, so please look up your discussion section number and make sure to go to the right room!
- Discussion sections 201–203: Goldwin Smith Hall G76
Discussion sections 204–209: Klarman Hall KG70
Discussion sections 210–212: Malott Hall 228
Discussion sections 213–214: Malott Hall 251
Discussion sections 215–216: Malott Hall 253
Discussion sections 217–222: Rockefeller Hall 201 - Material
- Chapter 15 sections 6–8, chapter 16 sections 1–6, chapter 17 sections 1–2; all homework problems assigned for these sections; Lagrange and probability workshops.
- Practice problems
- Fall 2015 prelim 2 (solutions), Fall 2016 prelim 2 (solutions), Fall 2017 prelim 2 (solutions), section 16.6 problems 19, 20, 28, 30, 34.
- Solutions
- Prelim 2 solutions.
- Statistics
- Prelim 2 quartiles: Q1 65; Q2 76; Q3 85.
Cumulative prelim quartiles (very approximate letter grade equivalents in parentheses): Q1 66 (C+/B-); Q2 76 (B); Q3 83 (B+/A-).
Final exam
- Time
- Thursday December 13, 9:00 am–11:30 am.
- Location
- Barton Hall (all sections)
- Material
- All material listed in the lecture plan; all assigned homework problems, workshops and exam practice problems.
- Review and practice
- General review questions (solutions), Surfaces review questions (solutions), Fall 2011 final exam (solutions), Fall 2013 final exam (solutions), Fall 2016 final exam (solutions), Fall 2017 final exam (solutions), section 16.6 problems 32, 37, 45.
- Solutions
- Final exam solutions.
- Course grades
- Course grades have been submitted to the registrar and will be available online Tuesday afternoon 18 December. For privacy reasons the university does not allow us to communicate exam or course grades by email.
- Statistics
- Final exam quartiles: Q1 59; Q2 71; Q3 82 (out of 120).