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Matlab Programs

The Matlab functions are used to graph the functions on the Sierpinski Gasket, the edge plots, and the zero plots. The recurrence relation and dynamics plots were all done in Mathematica.

Main OP Functions

Start with SGplotsOverview.m as a tutorial for using the Matlab plotting functions.

Program Description
edgeplots Makes the plots of the OP restricted to the edges
edgezeros4 Finds the zeros on the bottom edge of OP
edgezerosplots Plots the results of edgezeros4.m
getOmegas3 Reads values of the Antisymmetric (normalized) OP
getOmegas5 Reads values of the Symmetric (normalized) OP
getorder Helper function for readPolys.m to reorder function value points from polydata_20.txt
monomialplots Graphs the monomials
onbplots Graphs the completely orthonormal polynomials
orthoplotspk Graphs the Antisymmetric OP
orthoplotssk Graphs the Symmetric OP
readPolys Reads in the values of the monomials.
SGcontour plots a countour plot of the function u
SGcontourplots Uses SGcontour.m to make the zero plots for the Antisymmetric and Symmetric OP
SGedge13 Finds the indices of the side edge in SG.
SGedge23 Finds the indices of the bottom edge in SG.
SGorthoPolyEdge13phik Finds the values of the Fully Orthonormal Polynomials along the side edge.
SGorthoPolyEdge13pk Finds the values of the Antisymmetric OP along the side edge.
SGorthoPolyEdge23phik Finds the values of the Fully Orthonormal Polynomials along the bottom edge.
SGorthoPolyEdge23pk Finds the values of the Antisymmetric OP along the bottom edge.
SGorthoPolyEdge23sk Finds the values of the Symmetric OP along the bottom edge.
SGorthoPolyspk Calculates the values of the Antisymmetric (normalized) OP
SGorthoPolyssk Calculates the values of the Symmetric (normalized) OP
SGplotsOverview Overview of all plotting functions and how to use them.
SGrotate1 Rotates the indices of SG once CCW.
SGrotate2 Rotates the indices of SG twice CCW (or once CW).
zeroflag Helper function for SGcontour.m, used to determine a potential zero in the contour plot based on surrounding neighbors' values

Graphing SG functions

Most of theses are borrowed from: Conformal Energies, Conformal Laplacian, and Energy Measures on the Sierpinski Gasket.

Program Description
address Returns a vector listing the address of a given index k in a level m SG-type ordering (TLR ordering)
alternateaddress Finds the alternative address for a given point in an SG ordering
alternateindex Finds the alternative index for a given point in TLR ordering on SG.
fi A contractive similarity of the plane centered at the point qi of dilation factor 1/2
gaskplot Plots a function defined on the level m vertices of SG, with edges connecting adjacent vertices
gneighbors This function finds the addresses of those edges which are incident to a given vertex
indexsg Finds the index in TLR ordering corresponding to a given address
junctionindex Finds index in higher level of address in TLR
log3 computes log base 3.
qcontract Applies the function fi to a column of coordinate pairs.
SG Helper function for gaskplot.