Mathematics and Sudokus: References

  1. Below are sources that you might find useful if you want to learn more about the Mathematics of Sudoku.

    An excellent article on Sudoku counting by Bertram Felgenhauer and Frazer Jarvis, understandable for anyone who puts his mind to it.

  3. Wikipedia: The Mathematics of Sudoku .
    Available from

  4. F. Crook: A Pencil-And-Paper Algorithm for Solving Sudoku Puzzles.
    Crook’s 2009 paper describing his algorithm for solving Sudoku puzzles. Available from .

    A website with thousands of free Sudoku puzzles of all degrees of difficulty.

  6. Agnes M. Herzberg and M. Ram Murty: Sudoku squares and chromatic polynomials.
    A 2007 paper that appeared in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, volume 54, issue 6, pages 708-717. This paper isn’t light bed-time reading...