Teaching Seminar

Emily Dautenhahn Prairie Wentworth-NiceCornell University
Teaching Scenarios: The Kind You Don't Want (But Happen Anyway)

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 4:35pm
Malott 406

There are many scenarios we encounter while teaching that can be hard to deal with, especially if they are unexpected. In this seminar we will talk through some of the more challenging situations that graduate students in the math department have encountered while teaching. The scenarios are split into four sections - covid requirements, power dynamics between professors and TAs, students in distress, and other challenges. Nearly all of these scenarios are adapted from our own experiences as TAs or from responses to the survey sent out last week. It is our hope that you will not experience any of these situations while teaching. However, if you do find yourself in similar or other unexpected situations, we hope this conversation will help give you ideas for how best to respond.

Content Warning: Some of the scenarios include discussion of topics which may be distressing. Topics that may come up in this seminar include: covid, power dynamics, harassment, abuse, self-harm, racism, sexism, and homophobia/transphobia. Participants are welcome to step out of the seminar for a moment if they need to, or leave at any time.