ORIE Colloquium

Po-Ling Loh UW Madison
Statistical inference for infectious disease modeling

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 4:15pm
Rhodes 253

Po-Ling Loh is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, with secondary appointments in the Department of Statistics, the Department of Computer Sciences, and the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering.She is also an affiliated faculty member of the Grainger Institute for Engineering and the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery.

Professor Loh's current research interests include high-dimensional statistics, optimization, network inference, and robust statistics. I am also interested in statistical applications to medical imaging and epidemiology.

She co-chaired the first and second Midwest Machine Learning Symposium with the glorious Matus Telgarsky and is helping organize the new UW-Madison Machine Learning for Medical Imaging initiative.