Topology and Geometric Group Theory Seminar

Alan CzuronUniversity of Houston
On fixed point property of affine actions on Lp spaces

Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 1:30pm
Malott 203

It is known that Kazhdan's (T) property is equivalent to the Serre's Property (FH), also known as the property of the fixed point of affine isoemmetric actions on a Hilbert space. The generalization of FH's properties to other Banach spaces seems to be poorly understood. During the lecture I will summarize the latest knowledge regarding this property. I will also explain the ideas of two statements. First is the fact that the Flp property implies Flq if 2 \neq q < p. Second is the fact that Property (T) implies FL_p ([0,1], \ mu) for every pw (1, \infty) if we limit our attention for actions that are measure-preserving.