The GoodQuestions Project

The GoodQuestions project seeks to improve calculus instruction by adapting two methodsdeveloped in physics instruction — ConcepTests and Just-in-Time-Teaching. GoodQuestions is a pedagogical strategy that aims to raise the visibility of the key concepts and to promote a more active learning environment. The essence of the approach is to develop questions that

  • stimulate students' interest and curiosity in mathematics;
  • help students monitor their understanding;
  • offer students frequent opportunities to make conjectures and argue about their validity;
  • reflect the role of student prior knowledge and misconceptions in building conceptual understanding;
  • provide instructors with frequent formative assessments of what their student are learning;
  • support instructors efforts to foster an active learning environment.

For video clips of GoodQuestions project in action, click here.

For a summary of our pilot project and results presented at the Joint Meetings in January 2005, click here.

For the working prototype of a GQ delivery system, see Nong's work

Last modified: February 14, 2005