Uses of Maple TA

  • Give quizzes online to make sure students are keeping pace with the lectures.
  • Give students extra practice problems to supplement examples done in lectures.
  • In contrast to blackboard assignments, Maple TA supports dynamic problem creation, which can create new problems for students to work on.
  • Incorporate graphs and diagrams into the assignments to give students extra help on assignments.
  • Make sure class is performing at the same level and give extra help to those needing it.
  • Bring uniformity to the many different sections and lectures for a single class.
  • Don't need to start from scratch and can use content from previous semesters with slight modification.
  • Let placement tests be done online to save time and money. (See
You can also read about how others have used Maple TA for academic purposes here:

Last modified: February 14, 2005