Slides for a short talk on crystals of representations, aimed at undergraduates.

Slides for my talk on Heaps, Crystals and Preprojective Algebra Modules at the Geometry, Physics, and Representation Theory Seminar at Northeastern Univeristy

Slides for a super short talk on the Borel fixed point theorem and some applications at ADIMOM 2020

Slides for my talk at the CMS winter meeting, in the Convexity in Algebraic Geometry and Symplectic Geometry session.

Slides for my talk at the CMS winter meeting, in the Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry session.

Notes for my talk in the GRT learning seminar in Fall 2019 at the University of Toronto.

Slides for my talk at the Oberseminar Lie Theorie at Ruhr-Universität Bochum 2018

Notes for the Ithaca High School Senior Seminar: Reflection Groups (Or, a much shortened version, in Hungarian)

Slides for my talk at the Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics seminar at UIUC, 2017

Slides for my talk at the 6th Swiss-French Workshop in Algebraic Geometry in Charmey, Switzerland, 2017

Slides for my 2016 Fall Olivetti: The Leech lattice

My poster for ALGECOM13,the Introductory Workshop on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry at Fields and the Interactions between Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry at UChicago: Pizzas and Kazhdan-Lusztig atlases in dimension 2

Slides for my 2016 Spring Olivetti talk: Pizzas

Notes for my 2015 Fall Olivetti talk: The Springer Resolution

Notes for my 2014 Fall Olivetti talk: Schubert Calculus

Notes for the 2014/Sep/23 lecture in MATH7390: Bott-Samelson varieties

Here is my Master's thesis, written at The University of Hong Kong, where my advisor was Prof. Jiang-Hua Lu. If you are curious what this Poisson structure looks like for a word of the top element of the Weyl group of E8, here are a couple of Poisson brackets.