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Math 6310 homework

General remarks about the homework

Homework policy is explained on the main course web page. Here are a few additional comments.

  1. Homework should be legible and neat, and the pages should be stapled together. Don't turn in your first draft. You may find it useful to write your solutions in LaTeX. It will be time consuming at first (if you don't already know LaTeX), but you will end up with a valuable skill that you will need eventually. As an incentive, Anna will give 1 extra point (out of 10) for each homework that is done in LaTeX.
  2. Proofs should be written clearly and completely, using good English, complete sentences, and adequate detail. A good guideline is that you should write your proofs the way you would like to see them written in your textbook. Another way to say this is that your proofs should be understandable to the average student in the class.
  3. You may be surprised to discover how much you learn in the process of writing homework solutions carefully. I think a great deal of consolidation of your knowledge takes place in the process. Please take this aspect of the homework seriously.
